And we can prove it: three out of four customers gave us an A for the project result in 2023. However, we also sometimes struggle with approvals and unfortunately cannot show all projects. We provide additional insight with our RX ticker.
Our team had the opportunity to take part in an exciting workshop in Berlin, initiated by one of our new customers. The Advisory Board focused on the strategic realignment of a therapy concept for a rare hematological disease.
We discussed how relevant experts evaluate the concept and what content can best be presented in informative handout materials. Particularly valuable: the direct feedback from the panel gave us deep insights that we are now incorporating into the development of the materials.
The workshop took place in a unique location - an old factory that created an inspiring atmosphere with its industrial charm. Another highlight was getting to know some of the client's team members in person and exchanging ideas directly.
The project is a great example of how creative input and medical expertise can work together to design practical and relevant communication materials. We look forward to its implementation!
Recently, the focus was on a special event: a barcamp for patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Our team was significantly involved in the planning and implementation, from the development of the application concept to the moderation on the day of the event. A special feature of the campaign was the use of a radio spot that generated attention for the barcamp in the run-up to the event.
There was an open, appreciative atmosphere on site, which made it easy for participants to share their experiences. Participants actively got involved, used the sessions to share their concerns and gave appreciative feedback. Statements such as "I finally no longer feel alone" showed how important the event was for those affected. A challenging but thoroughly successful project that once again showed us how powerful patient-centered communication can be - and how valuable it is to give people space for their concerns.
"No successful communication without goals and positioning." Under this motto, we recently prepared and conducted a workshop for a new customer in the vaccine sector.
Due to an upcoming STIKO recommendation, our client has the opportunity to reopen the market. In order to be optimally positioned for this situation, several agencies came together alongside our client's employees. Together, we explored the communicative potential of the vaccine.
Home stretch! My team and I are currently in the absolute final spurt for the launch of an oncological preparation. We have to create various materials to promote the product for the market launch and everything has to be ready by mid-November! One big item is an e-detail that our customer's sales force needs for discussions with gynecologists. We are also creating a product page, e-mail fragments and other "artifacts" for this target group. We are also looking after ophthalmologists and pathologists as additional target groups - I think that's extraordinary for a launch!
All the cogs in our team work together: creation, medicine, design, development, quality and project management - everyone helps everyone else in this "hot" phase of the project. For me as a project manager, this naturally means stress, but also flow, because it's great to create so many great things as part of a team.
Yeah, pitch won! We spun various creative ideas for a haematological drug and were promptly awarded the contract. A highlight for me as an art director: hardly any specifications as to what the motif should contain - except that it should be disruptive. There are endless possibilities for an awareness campaign!
In our mix of "classic" and AI-generated motifs, one from the latter category came out on top in the end. The use of AI as a tool for accelerating processes and rapid prototyping has proven its worth for us here.
What concerns patients? The question of what issues patients are concerned about is central for pharmaceutical companies, as this is the only way to make patient and doctor materials useful and relevant.
In my current project, we want to find out more about the needs of those affected by carryingout social media listening. We are using specialized software and evaluating freely accessible online discussions from patients with multiple sclerosis. A highlight for me: we have even made podcasts analyzable using AI! We are excited to see what useful insights we will gain to improve our client's patient and doctor communication.
Electronic folders for the sales force are a common type of project for us. These are slide decks that the sales force uses to present and convey information. We are currently supporting the medical sales force, or more precisely the MSLs, of a customer in the implementation of a special iFolder for the indication eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE).
Our team sets up a new iFolder and integrates several slide decks. The special feature of this iFolder is that the sales force can filter content according to keywords and sections. It is also possible to add individual slides to a personal "favorites list". The entire process includes conception, UX design, development and project management. This project aims to provide MSLs with information according to the conversation situation or process in order to improve communication and education.
Last year, we were already able to support a product in the indication of highly malignant lymphoma and now an approval extension is imminent. Our team is providing strategic support and is responsible for the conception, design and implementation of various materials for the new therapeutic approach.
A key part of the project is the development of a website for healthcare professionals. We coordinate regularly with the product team and internal partners to ensure that all requirements are met. Our contribution includes the briefing as well as the technical and design preparatory work, while the implementation of the website is carried out by one of our client's partners.
We are currently finalizing a product launch for a very small subgroup of prostate cancer, whose approval in the launch market differs from other countries. Of course, a launch campaign that differs from the market as a whole has to be developed on a low budget due to the small target group.
Thanks to pragmatic decisions and very efficient collaboration with the brand manager, the entire messaging and all materials from folders, mailings and dosage cards to dispensing cards were developed within a relatively small budget. Even an overview of therapy options and personalized launch videos for the sales force were included. Close collaboration can achieve a lot.
We are currently advising a manufacturer of preparations for rare diseases. Some of these drugs have fewer than one hundred patients in Germany. The number of prescribing doctors is correspondingly low. This poses its own unique challenges for marketing communication.
Depending on the medication, a distinction is made between specialists (the doctors who know the disease and prescribe medication) and potential referring physicians, such as general practitioners. These need to be sensitized to the symptoms of the rare disease so that new patients can be found. These patients often have a long odyssey through the healthcare system behind them.
Omnichannel is not a measure but a strategy. I am convinced of this and we are currently trying to establish this mindset in the organization of one of our pharmaceutical customers. We are taking an iterative and agile approach.
First, we clarify the customer's initial situation and formulate appealing target images, then together we highlight where there are gaps between actual and target before finally deciding on measures and plans to help our customer move forward. For a shared omnichannel mindset, for more effective communication.
Oncological preparations play a major role for us. This is because oncology is the area of medicine that is being researched most intensively by pharmaceutical companies. I am currently working on a preparation that is used as a treatment option for a certain type of bone marrow cancer.
Patients who previously only had six months to live now live an average of almost 20 months with a new treatment. So far, we have produced launch materials and patient materials.
Because even Rx brands with several marketing authorizations cannot rest on their laurels, we carried out a comprehensive strategic realignment and repositioning of the product umbrella brand for one of our clients this year.
Our aim was for the individual indication teams to speak to the target group with "one voice", for the brand to have a more uniform appearance and thus be even more present and stronger in the market than it already is.
It is always a pleasure to bring innovative treatment options to the market and thus improve the care situation. For two years now, we have been working for one of the leading providers of CAR-T cell therapies, a novel treatment option for advanced bone marrow cancer.
For the brand teams in Germany and Switzerland, we support the medical and commercial launch by creating messaging, advertisements, websites, sales materials, RMP materials, e-details and AR apps.
It's always amazing what you can achieve in a week's work. We summarized all the exciting results of a breast cancer congress for a pharmaceutical client in 5 days, in one-pagers, backgrounders and powerpoints for the sales force.
Several members of our nine-strong medical team were at the start and summarized everything in close coordination with the customers. Sprinting to the finish.
We officially work for the nicest customers in the world. So let's put it this way. Always fun, creatively interested, cooperative, open, constructive - that's our relationship with the Munich Brand Team, which is involved in the field of blood cancer (MZL, CLL and MW).
The product we work for also has good study data, so we are in a good mood and make the world a little bit better. Working in the healthcare agency at its best.
Slowly running out of email space... A large team of us is currently helping one of our pharmaceutical clients promote a particular form of precision nuclear medicine in German-speaking countries.
We support a large brand team (medical and commercial) on the client side in the communication to HCPs and patients and in several oncological indications. The weekly status report, which lists all subprojects in bullet points, is now three pages long!
For a Munich-based pharmaceutical manufacturer, we conduct a 3-hour digital advisory board with connected speakers and participants in May.
To ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible, Spirit Link supports the Brand Team in the preparation, execution and follow-up of the appointment.
Hello! We are looking after a product for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma for a pharmaceutical manufacturer in Switzerland.
Some of the upcoming projects include the design of print mailings, the creation of materials for trade events, advertisements and the updating of existing materials based on new data. Our common goal: to increase awareness of the product in the Swiss market.
Since the beginning of the year, we have been supporting a young American pharmaceutical company in the preparation of its first product in Germany. We are working for a rare disease in neurology.
The aim is to publicize the company, generate awareness for the rare disease and, of course, pre-launch measures to prepare the market for the new product. Challenge accepted!
We are privileged to serve a brand team of an Asian pharmaceutical manufacturer in hematology throughout the year.
Upcoming this year: Completion of the master slide deck, creation of a briefing document for journalists, creation of a claims library, customization of the slide deck for physicians:interns and nurses, creation of 5 study one-pagers, support of a project for the target group onco-nurses, creation of a wall calendar, ... a great package!